Friday, September 28, 2018

Week 8

We are off to a great start and have been very busy! In literacy we have been working on our lowercase alphabet as well as rhyming and counting syllables in words. In Math we are comparing numbers. Which group is greater than, less than or equal to each other. In writing we continue to act out stories that the children have created.

Working on the alphabet. Can I match the uppercase with the lowercase?

Practicing our rhyming skills on the smart board.

Can you find the objects that have the same beginning sound?

 Practicing putting the alphabet together.

I can clap out the number of syllables in words!

Tracing our letters  and numbers correctly from top to bottom.

 In Math, we are comparing numbers to 5...equal, greater than, less than.

 Roll and build a tower. The first one to make it to the top of the paper strip wins! Who has less cubes on his tower?

 Using pattern blocks to make numbers.

Putting a number puzzle to 10 in the correct order.

Read the story Lunch and then played  "Roll the Mouse".

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 7

 Becoming creative with Makerspace. 

Rolling a dice and subitizing with numbers 1 -5.

Grab a Handful - How many did you count? Write the number.

Working on the letters t, b and f as we find words around the room and add them to our ABC book.

  Also building our fine motor skills as we learn to hold a pencil and crayon correctly.

Watch Me Grow as I Learn

Learning My Way
By Jean Feldman

When I listen to a story or look at books each day,
I’m learning to read in my own special way.
When I sing a song or say a rhyme,
My listening skills will develop on time.
The small muscles I use when I work a puzzle or play with clay
Will help me to write a sentence one day.
When I jump, wiggle, and run the day long,
My muscles and body are growing strong.
When I put away my toys or pass out snacks at school,
I’m really doing my math, too.
Making bubbles in the tub or looking at the sky
Will develop my scientific skills by and by.
My coloring, painting, and gluing may look like a mess,
But they all encourage my creative best.
When you read to me, talk, and listen, too,
I’ll learn to love books and language, it’s true.
Holding me close, hugs, and quality time,
Show me that you’re glad you’re mine.
When you accept me for who I am and cherish what I do,
I’ll learn to love others and respect them, too.
As you give me choices and let me go,
Into an independent adult I will grow.
Every minute of every new and exciting day,
I’m learning and growing in my own special way.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

PIN night

This is a reminder that PIN night is next week on Thursday September 20th. Kindergarten parents should arrive by 6 for a presentation in the gym by Dr. Bilsborough. You will then head to our classroom for a visit and find out what goes on during a typical day. Hope to see everyone there!