Room 6

Please be mindful of sending in food that contains nuts. If you do,  please make sure your child is aware of it. We have a designated snack table for our friends who have such allergies. 

Please read the information below and use as a reference for questions you may need answers to about our classroom!

Monday - Gym    *Sneakers are a must!
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Gym    *Sneakers are a must!
Thursday - Health/Library    *These occur on alternating  weeks
Friday - Music


Backpack                    Each child will need to bring a backpack to school that is large enough to carry both library books and art projects. He/she will need one that closes securely to protect the items inside. Please LABEL your child’s bag.

Notes  If you need to send a note from home to the teacher or to the office, please inform your child that he/she has a note to deliver. A folder can be kept in your child’s bag to organize communications back and forth. You can also put them in the front pocket of the backpack or pin them to the outside.

Blog and Email           You can collect information on my blog for the classroom at... This is a site you should frequent often. Notices will be posted here and any other important information I need to make you aware of. Paper notices will rarely be sent home.  My email address, if you need to reach me. 
 Since I am teaching throughout the day I cannot promise you that I will  respond immediately. I also have a twitter account for the Stars that you can  follow as well for class information and articles. I am at @MrsHedberg. 

Labeling                      Please LABEL All items that your child brings to school including clothing.

Library                        Library will be held every other week. A box will be kept in the classroom for returned books so that your child may bring back the book any time during the two weeks. Books will only be checked out during the scheduled library time.
Phys Ed                       Please send your child to school with sneakers on these days. You may want to keep a pair of sneakers in their backpack in case they need to change shoes.

Music                          Music will be held once a week.

Art                               Art will be held once a week. Please send in a smock for your child with his/her name on it. I suggest an old T shirt of Dads.

Busing                         All changes are made through the Main Office. Please notify the classroom in writing of any change in your child’s busing or after school care.

Pick up                        All dismissals are now handled through the Dismissal Manager App. Speak with the front office for more information.

Wish List                     Periodically, some items may need to be donated or recycled for classroom activities. Thank you in advance for your generosity and efforts!
Field Trips                   Should our class take a trip during the school year detailed information will be sent home in advance. Needed chaperones will be chosen randomly and fairly. There is a family picnic held at the end of the year that all parents and kindergartners are invited to attend together.

Birthdays                     Birthdays will be celebrated on or close to each child’s actual birthday. A reminder will be sent home with a time and date set-aside for the celebration. On this day we ask each child to bring in a favorite picture book to share with the class. Summer birthdays will be celebrated during the last few months of the school year. 

Snack                          The class will have a short time for snack each day. Please keep it simple and only one snack with a drink. Please do not put drinks in plastic bottles as they tend to leak. Juice boxes or a small water bottle are the best. Also send a snack in a paper or plastic bag. If your child is using a lunch box, he will need to take his snack from the lunch box to be placed in his classroom cubbie. Lunch boxes do not fit in the cubbies and are for papers only. You might think about packing a separate snack.

Illness or Absence       Please remember to notify the school at 508-242-8504 if your child will be out of school or arriving late. 

Toys                            PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY TOYS TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD. If a toy is mistakenly brought to school he/she will kindly be asked to put it back in his/her backpack. Toys are distracting for the students. Also, we can not guarantee that toys will not break or be misplaced.

Volunteers                   Classroom Volunteer sign ups will occur via a Google Doc or Sign up Genius. 

                                    WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN!!

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