Monday, February 29, 2016

100th Day!

Yes! We made it to 100 days. No! It was not the last day of school as many of the kids had hoped! The collections put together were great and we enjoyed counting them and admiring the projects that some had created. Take a peek.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

RAH Program

As you know, the Reading at Home Program has begun. Now until the end of the school year, your child will be able to take home 2 books from our class library each week to practice reading for fluency. Fluency is the ability to read text with accuracy, speed and expression. So if the books are easy to read they should be! It is important, however, that your child read the books repeatedly for practice.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

It was a great party....a big success! Have a wonderful LOVE day!
Thank you to everyone who helped out!!

Math Update

What have we been learning in Math for the last few weeks? Addition and Subtraction. Along with playing many games we have been solving story problems together and finding different ways to solve the problem.....fingers, connecting cubes, number lines, counters, equations, and pictures. We have also been talking about equations, how to create them and solving missing addends. The hardest part of math is TALKING math and trying to explain what we are doing.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Star Lab

What a fun time Star Lab was!! We had a great opportunity to visit the night sky inside a big black lab. We learned about constellations and the various directional positions they were seen in the sky at night. We also observed some of the planets.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

School wide PJ day

As a reminder, there will be a school wide Pajama Day this Friday February 12th. Make sure your child remembers to wear his/her PJs!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Writer's Workshop

Writing has been one of our daily activities in school. Right from the beginning we started to learn how to write narrative stories. Now we are currently writing "How to" books with steps, clear directions and diagrams. The goal is to teach someone through writing how to do something step by step. The children work in partners and help each other. As a group we share written stories and act out the steps to see if something is missing. It is very hard work but everyone has stepped up to the challenge. Enjoy the photos of some of us doing our best work.