Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you, thank you Moms and Dads for celebrating a wonderful Valentine's Day with us. It was the best !!

Image result for valentine's day

 The Leaders of the Pack..............What a great job Mr. Render and Mr. LaRose!!

Friday, February 10, 2017

We Celebrated the 100th Day

The 100th day of school was a BIG success! The collections were awesome and we played some fun games and listened to great music on a Friday afternoon.

Here are a few great ideas...........

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

100th Day of School

If all goes well, the 100th day of school will be celebrated on Thursday February 9th! Please have your child put together a collection of 100 things. As I mentioned in my note last week, it should be something he/she can easily carry to and from school. Creativity is always a plus and fun. Whatever it is be prepared to share so we can count with the class!

RAH Books

We have begun our RAH (reading at home) program which will be sent home each Wednesday for homework. It is important to read through the packet carefully. These books should be transported to and from school in the plastic bag to keep them in a safe place. They should be returned on the day stated on your bag....either Monday or Tuesday of the following week. When they are returned your child will pick two more books at their independent reading level to take home the next Wednesday. Sometimes I may include a level higher to see how he does.

The idea of this program is for your child to read each book repeatedly each night for fluency practice.....meaning he/she should be able to easily read it practicing to read in phrases rather than word for word. NOTE: Always have your child start reading carefully pointing to the words as he reads. Once this is done several times successfully, he can try to move on to practice with phrasing. Fluency helps with comprehension and as books become difficult to read, comprehension can be difficult too.

There are two books in each bag. One may be easier than the other but I think it will be good practice to get them pointing and carefully looking at the words and picture clues. For those higher readers, it is very important to ask questions to see if they can retell and give details of what happened in the stories.