Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday, December 14, 2018

Week 16, 17

All is good in Room 6. I think everyone is ready for the holidays. It has been a busy two weeks and the excitement is rising. Here are some of our activities we did these past few weeks.
 Adding 1 to a dice and filling the board with chips

Adding dice and finding the total number

 Practicing writing our numbers and number words

 Talking about weather and temperature while keeping an ongoing line graph to observe the daily changes

And of course, our Makerspace creativity continues

Friday, November 30, 2018

Week 15

Hope all had a nice Thanksgiving. We are back in the swing of things and heading towards the next big holiday! This week we practiced writing sentences and spelling CVC words.....tapping and blending sounds as well as working on ending sounds. We sorted and classified objects in Math and played lots of number games. It was also CRAZY HAIR DAY on Friday!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Week 13

This week in Literacy we focused on the letters k, h, and l. We read stories and viewed videos about The First Thanksgiving. In Math, our focus continued to be numbers through 10, counting and understanding and comparing ten frames

Practicing Letter Sounds and Numbers 

 Read the story Run Turkey Run at the Listening Center

Learning about the life of a Pilgrim

Viewing a great explanation about The Pilgrims voyage to America and Plymouth 

 Making our Native American Amulets

 Friday afternoon Makerspace, a great way to end the week!

Friday, November 9, 2018

week 12

In math this week, we worked on creating combinations with different numbers to 10. We compared numbers using dominoes to find which one was greater. We also played games with 10 frames and spinners to compare numbers with our partners.

 Building a pattern to find combinations of a number

 Who has the greater number?

 Recording numbers with dominoes and finding the greater one

 Who is the first one to cover all the turkeys?

For our literacy tables, we focused on the Letter J and P and practiced all letter sounds on the computer. We also began our discussion on Thanksgiving. We read stories together and independently at the listening center. Sight words are also a priority as we continue to read and write the ones we know.

 Letter sounds on the computer

 Roll and record a sight word

 Crafting a feather for our turkey!

 Reading a story at the listening center

Sorting beginning letter sounds

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Costumes, Music, Party! What a great day!!
Thank you Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Lemieux and Mrs. Ross for making this afternoon so much fun!!
 Art activity

Yummy snacks!

 Candy Corn Bowling!

Bean Bag Toss

Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 11

Week 6 entailed working on ten frames in Math. Counting and making sure we could represent that number in many different ways. We also made combinations of 5 by tossing chips with two sided colors. We still need a lot of work writing our numbers.

 Count the room. Find the pumpkin ten frames and record them with the correct number.

 Practice counting and writing our numbers to 10.

Toss the Chips. How many different combinations of 5 can  you toss?

We continue to talk about trees, leaves and the weather. We observed and talked about the different kind of leaves that grow on maple, oak and beech trees. We brought a leaf in from home, observed it and make a leaf rubbing.

In Literacy we worked on the letters s and d. We read a counting book together making sure we pointed to each word read. We practiced rhyming on the computer and brainstormed words that began with these letters and counted out the syllables. We also ordered pumpkins from the largest to the smallest on a fence.

And of course, Makerspace is always so much fun!