Monday, November 18, 2019

The ZONES of regulation

Mrs. Bockhurst came to visit the classroom Friday to talk about the zones of regulation. These zones help the children determine the kind of energy they have by how they or a friend feels at certain times during the day. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Outside Recess Guidelines

With cold weather approaching, please be sure to send children with appropriate winter clothing for outdoor recess. In addition, please label your child’s items as our lost & found box continues to grow. In most cases, we use the thermometer to determine if the children go outside for recess. If the temperature is below 20 degrees (with or without the windchill) the kids will stay inside for recess. Otherwise, we head outside for fresh air as long as the conditions on the playground are safe. Decisions regarding recess are made as close to the lunch block as possible to allow for the sun to (hopefully) work some magic. If the temperatures are below 20 degrees in the morning, the children enter the building and wait in the gymnasium until the start of the school day

Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Trick!
Thank you to the moms who put on a great party today for Room 6. The weather was a bit dreary but warm. We paraded around the building despite the weather and were greeted by so many friends and family!