Monday, January 26, 2015

RAH....Reading at Home Program

This week we will begin our RAH program in the classroom. This program allows your child an opportunity to read books at their independent level for the remainder of the school year.

This is how the program will work in my classroom. The children are divided into groups A - D. Each group will be able to choose on their own two books from my classroom library on a particular day which they can take home and read for one week. These books will be easy for your child to read. They are books that he/she can read at their independent level not their instructional level. The idea is to reread for practice and fluency.

When a child returns his/her book, he/she may take out 2 new books. If a child does not return the books, he/she may not take out new books until he/she returns them.

The schedule is as follows:
Group A - Choose books on Monday. Return their books on the following Monday.
Group B - Choose books on Tuesday. Return their books on the following Tuesday.
Group C - Choose books on Wednesday. Return their books on the following Wednesday.
Group D - Choose books on Thursday. Return their books on the following Thursday.

Please keep the books protected and make sure they are transported to and from school in the bag provided. If a book is damaged or lost you will owe the school $5 to replace it :(

The students are very excited about this opportunity. I encourage you to read with them as often as you can as they move ahead to becoming great readers!! Happy Reading!

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