Saturday, January 10, 2015


Happy New Year to all of you! The winter cold is here and in full blast. I hope everyone is staying warm.

It was a long vacation break and a bit difficult for all of us to get back into the routine of being in school.....myself included! We began the week talking about our new year's resolutions....writing and drawing about them. The children have just about completed their Time Capsules which are filled with information gathered about themselves in 2014. I have encouraged them not to open the capsules for quite a few years since it would be a lot of fun to look back at their kindergarten days at another time in their lives. I laughed when some said they were going to bury it!

We have also begun our unit on measurement.....length and weight. This past week was spent on length as we measured objects using non-standard procedures i.e. our hands and connecting cubes. We spent time using important math vocabulary to discuss the concept of measurement....length, height, taller, shorter, longer, compare. The children also have been measuring how many cubes tall they are and comparing themselves to each other. We continue to work on place value as well as writing teen numbers and determining different ways we can represent what they mean i.e. tally marks, pictures, ten frames, writing the number and writing the number word are some examples.

Next week, we will introduce weight and start measuring objects on scales.....lots of fun ahead!

In literacy, we are now working on decoding CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant) along with writing uppercase letters. We continue to read in groups practicing the skills that we work on each day in whole group. We have also been writing in class and are becoming quite the authors and illustrators. We are learning to think about ideas we want to write about and have been using the rules of writing to put our ideas on paper. Editing work is important and the children use a checklist to assist them as they reread, make corrections, add words or more detail to their illustrations. The motto is "When you're done, you've only just begun!"

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