Thursday, October 20, 2016

Behavior Management

Our system of behavior management has begun. The children are aware of the slider system and marble jar in the classroom. We have discussed the rules and the expected behavior we need to present all day in school.

The behavior that is expected are the rules we have talked about and are posted in the classroom coinciding with good behavior in the building. The classroom rules are as follows:

Follow directions for the first time.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Walk in and out of the classroom. NO RUNNING.
No chatting or playing with friends during circle time when the teacher is talking. LISTEN.
Use nice words at all times.
Raise your hand and answer only when you are called upon.

Should someone continue to ignore the rules after a teacher request, he/she is asked to move one spot on a slider and is given an explanation why. Should he/she move to the red spot, a phone call will be made home to make you aware of what is happening with the hope that he/she can get back on track. Basically, three strikes and you are out! The slider does go back to green the next day to start new.

On the other hand, good behavior is rewarded through the marble jar. Every time someone does an expected behavior and the teacher notices, a marble can be placed in the jar. When the marble jar is filled, we have earned a special treat i.e. pajama day, movie day etc.

Right now we are just about at the top of our marble jar!

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