Friday, November 13, 2015

Week of November 8th

It was a pleasure meeting all of you at conferences. Thank you for being prompt and keeping me on schedule!

This week we spent time working on the letters e and r as well as p and j. We are moving along very quickly with letter introductions and their sounds. This is a great help for reading and writing. As you know we have been writing for a few weeks now. It is difficult and challenging for some but the kids love to write and tell their stories! We are currently learning how to edit our work with the help of checklists to keep us on track with conventions and story telling guidelines. The stories are small moments in our lives but need to be told with a beginning, middle and end. They are working very hard.

In Math we continue to work on counting, writing and comparing sets to ten. Our latest challenge has been understanding the concept of whole and parts. We have been making combinations with all numbers to 10 and trying to determine a pattern as we discover all the possibilities. We played a spinning game and  wrote numbers, made numbers and equal sets with playdough, discovered combinations to 10 with counters and recorded our answers, finished our Apple counting book and completed a counting jar activity recording many ways to represent the number we counted. We have been very busy!

Guided reading will start in the near future. The kids are so excited about learning to read. This is where the skills of letter/sound identification are so important as they begin to put these into practice. We are looking forward to it.

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