Thursday, May 31, 2018

We LOVE to read!

There is nothing better than to enjoy a book outside! Thank you Mrs. Sullivan - Hall for letting us read outdoors today with our friends!!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Field Trip

Field Trip Reminders
Thursday May 24th
Rain date Tuesday May 29th

Make sure your child is prepared and dressed appropriately for the trip/weather.
Sneakers are a must!
Need Bug spray on prior to coming to school.
Need Sunscreen applied before coming to school.
Hats are encouraged if it is sunny.
Jackets are encouraged if necessary.
Pack a bag lunch. Write your child’s name on the bag.
Drinks should be plastic water bottles or juice boxes. NO GLASS please.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Field Day/Year End Celebration

Year End Kindergarten Celebration
Field Day
Monday June 4th

(rain date - Wednesday June 6th)

Dear Mom and Dad,
 We invite you to join us on June 4th for Field Day Activities at Memorial followed by a picnic and class gathering. To participate bring along a blanket and bag lunch for you and your family.
Please contact Mr. Grace if you are interested in helping out at one of the event stations.
A short gathering will take place in our classroom after the picnic.  
Siblings are welcome on this day!

9-11am Field Day
11:15 - 11:45am  Picnic Lunch
12 - 12:30pm  Classroom, Room 6